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Need To Update Your Website But Have Writers' Block? 3 Effective Ways To Update Your Web Presence

12 June 2015 13:59

We all know we need to keep our website content updated.

Whether it's posting on social media platforms, updating Google+ or adding to your blog feed, every website needs regular content changes and updates. Not only does this aid how you perform on search engines but it also shows your website visitors that your business is alive and open for enquiries.

However, it can be hard to know what to write and how to spend your time effectively getting your website up to date. We recommend 3 effective ways to update your web presence, given limited time.

1) Get the foundations correct on your website

This may sound basic but it is imperative to ensure your website actually explains what you do, the services/products you offer and how people can get in touch with you. These can be easily edited within your KhooSeller admin area.

After this, you must ensure your page head tags are unique. What does this mean? This means using the SEO field list to ensure every page on your website has a unique SEO URL field, meta description and page title tag. These fields should summarise the contents of the page and refer to what you want your business to be known for.

2) Ensure your wider web presence is set up

Once your house (website) is in order, it is then time to ensure your basic business information is setup on major social media platforms.

Not every business needs to be on every social media platform however we would recommend all business register on Google+ and complete the basic information regarding business services, contact details and opening hours.

For businesses with premises, registering your location can also be a quick-win for helping customers find you when they search online.

3) Answer useful questions in your news/blog feed

So, you've established your presence online - now what? It's time to update your news feed. But, it is important not just to create content for the sake of it.

Your website content must be rich, relevant and engaging for your website visitors. One useful starting place is to compile an offline list of questions or problems your visitors may have. Then, one article at a time, simply write how your business can address these. Practically, you could schedule an article per week and work through these questions.

Can we help?

We hope our 3 tips are helpful for your business but we know for some businesses, even completing these 3 steps would be too time consuming. So, we would be more than happy to help so do not hesitate to get in touch if you have further questions about updating your website content.