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What’s the Deal With Google+? How To Interact With Google’s Social Media Platform.

18 June 2015 16:12

Google+ is Google’s social media platform, launched in 2011 and geared towards networking, news sharing and hangouts.

It may not be the most popular network, but Google+ is definitely alive and useful. There are many rumours online about what is happening with Google+, and many different pieces of advice about what we should/shouldn’t do about the platform.

However, what is the best way to engage with Google+? 

Whatever your thoughts on Google, the best way to engage with Google+ is to firstly understand a bit about how Google+ works and then ensure you have at least a basic engagement with the platform

How does Google+ work?

Google calls Google+ the "social layer" of their services, with a unified login across all Google products.

Google+ allows you to create an online profile, add people to your ‘Circles’, join ‘Communities’ and have a personalised stream of trending posts that are relevant to your interests.  Google+ therefore has two main aspects; a personalised stream of information and a social layer which allows you to create hangouts, start discussions etc. 

Through engagement on Google+, Google will discover more about your businesses’ interests and activity; reinforcing your business’ online presence for your specialist area. In other words, this helps your search engine optimisation. 

What is the best way to engage with Google+? 

Love or hate Google, it is important to have a profile on Google+. We would therefore recommend the following three steps: 

  1. Register and build your Google+ page. This should be built as yourself, your business is separate. 
  2. Create your business a Google+ page and complete all business information. This includes describing your business and registering your location. 
  3. Engage with communities that are relevant to your business through following relevant pages and joining similar communities. If you are stuck for ideas of who to follow, follow KhooSeller on Google+ and we will find your profile!


What will happen in the future?

It is hard to know how Google will be splitting out the photo/stream elements from the hangout/social functions. Tech critics are predicting a re-brand around summertime with some major changes, so watch this space.

Branding aside, Google are unlikely to give up their social media platform anytime soon so it is worth engaging, at least in part.


Can we help? 

If you would like further information about Google+ and support in getting set up, do not hesitate to get in touch and we would be more than happy to help.