Going Away Over Summer? Schedule Your Content To Update Automatically
Are you going away over the summer? Don't leave your website news feed or other social media platforms without fresh content.
With just a few clicks, you can schedule in your blog posts to publish whilst you are away - meaning you can maintain your online presence even though you are taking a break.
1. How to schedule news articles, products and pages
Within KhooSeller you can schedule pages, products and news articles to appear at a specified time.
For example, if you'd like your news post to be automatically published at a specific date and time, you can simply schedule in this news post. Create your news post and make sure this is hidden. Then, under "Options" on the top navigation, just click on "Scheduled Actions."
If you select Set date and time, you can choose a date and time on a calendar for your post to be automatically published.
Once you've selected a new date and time, be sure to click Publish. Don't worry - your post will only publish at the date and time that you've determined in the settings.
It's not just news articles which can be calendared in advance - products or pages can also be scheduled using the same procedure - perfect if you want to plan releases on specific dates.
2. How can I check my scheduled actions?
You can easily check your scheduled actions under "Reports" -> "Scheduled Actions". This will give you a list of all news articles, products and pages which have been scheduled.
3. How to schedule the rest of your social media
It's important to not only update your website but your wider web presence. There are number of tools and articles on the web which can help you on the following platforms:
Twittet : Tweets can be scheduled up to a year in advance and down to 1-minute granularity. Some recommended tools can be found here.
Facebook: Posts can be prepared and scheduled to be published on your Page at a different date. Facebook provide clear instructions here.
Google+: Google+ Posts can also be easily scheduled using these recommended tools.
Can we help?
We know it can be stressful allowing yourself a holiday when you run your own business. So, if you have any questions about scheduled actions or would like support setting these up, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.