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5 Essential Ecommerce Customer Segmentations

17 August 2015 21:36

Segmenting your customers can dramatically increase your conversions by not only helping encourage repeat sales, but also tailoring your marketing to attract more consumers in the first place.

Here are our 5 simple ways to segment your customers within KhooSeller.

First time customers vs repeat

Why is this important? 

This is essential to help you target your customers for repeat orders. If you know that Ms. Jones has bought the same brand from you for the last 5 years, she is ripe for an email promotion giving her further incentive to carry on buying. If Mr Jones has only completed one order on the other hand, then he may appreciate a different note giving him X % off his next purchase. 

How do I find this out? 

This can easily be found within KhooSeller by filtering your Customer Orders within Reports according to the number of orders made. 

Location of customers 

Why is this important? 

It is helpful to know where your customers are located as this helps you either continue to target this market, or consciously make efforts to target other locations.  

How do I find this out? 

Within the Customers tab, you can filter your customers by country. 

Device type 

Why is this important? 

Whilst device usage changes for each industry, is useful to know the buying patterns of your consumers so that you can ensure your website is allowing conversions from all devices. 

For example, if you notice particularly low conversions from mobiles, it is worth ensuring your website meets Google’s ‘mobile friendly’ criteria to ensure you are not being penalised within search engine rankings for mobile searches.

How do I find this out? 

This can be found out using your PIWIK statistics to filter by device type and view the percentage of visitors from each device. 

Incomplete orders 

Why is this important?

This helps you get a picture of all the times a consumer decides NOT to buy from you. If you notice patterns in product groups, brands or dates, this could indicate that something in your website usability or product range is not working for your visitors.  

How do I find this out? 

You can find this within your eCommerce website in Reports, Abandoned Carts. 

Source of customers

Why is this important?

This is important so that you know the main ways in which you are found online. It may be that Google is your best friend and all your referrals come from online searches. Alternatively, you may have a relatively low stream of consumers from online searches, which could indicate issues with your search engine optimisation.   

How do I find this out? 

You can find this out by simply asking the question to your new users when they register on your website.

For more information about how to do this, or any of the other customer segmentations, do not hesitate to get in touch