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How To Manage eCommerce Variants Simply

11 September 2015 08:52

Everybody loves variety, particularly when buying online. In the world of increased mass production, consumers constantly want to feel unique and enjoy purchasing items that are tailored or suited to themselves.

eCommerce websites therefore face a challenge on how to allow consumers to have choice, without creating a website that is unusable, or unmanageable. 

Here at KhooSeller, this is a challenge we tackle through improving the backend management and the front end usability. 

1. Make Product Choices Easy For Your Customers 

"Conversion rates have been shown to increase if end users can simply understand the choices available to them" stated our usability expert, Emma Simpson. 

Using the KhooSeller system, you have complete control over the best way to present customers with all the available choices in easy to understand swatches, tiles or drop-down options. You can even stage the choices to lead your customers through the choices they need to make to buy a product rather than overwhelming them with too many choices on the screen at the same time. Again, this approach has been shown to increase sales and revenue. See here the psychology of choice conversion rates.   

Both Gracie Jacques and Dragons Of Walton Street use KhooSeller to help present their complex product offering in a simple manner. 

2. Make Product Choices Easy to Fulfil

Helping users buy your product is all very well however managing the fulfilment of these products is equally as important. Within KhooSeller, your stock is monitored on all product variants and therefore you can be sure which colours, sizes or variants are available. 

Websites such as MAKE International, TCS and Keith Brymer Jones manage their product variant stock using this system. 

3. Make Product Choices Easy To Manage

Last but not least, your product choices must be easy to manage. Within KhooSeller, you can add variants within a few clicks and amend images, price, item codes and discounts on a variant-by-variant basis. 

Other content management systems require hours of setup, re-work and extensive management to create multiple products however we want to take the hard work out of product management.

For examples of how to manage your products, see our support pages or do not hesitate to get in touch.

Can we help?

If you would like more information about how product variants could help your eCommerce business or any support in setting these up, do not hesitate to get in touch.