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3 New Years Resolutions For A Healthy Website

05 January 2016 22:20
New Year is a time for reflection and resolution. When thinking about your website, we would all like our web presence to be more ‘healthy’ however it is hard to know where to start. 

Here at KhooSeller, we put a lot of thought into compiling our top 3 best practices, that should not take you more than a few hours a week to keep and will guarantee you a better online presence.

1. Check Your Web Stats

We all know we should regularly monitor our website's performance however few make this a habit. Whether you use Piwik webstats or Google Analytics, it is invaluable to regularly check through your website metrics. We recommend picking 3 statistics about your website that reflect your business goals and measuring these every week. E.g. How many visitors did your website have? What is your bounce rate? and what keywords is your website being found for? 

2. Routinely Changing Your Content

Again, we all know we should be regularly changing our website content. Google's quality update in 2015 provided signals that static websites would start being penalised.

It can be hard to continually refresh your website however changes can be as simple as a blog (should not take longer than an hour a week), changing your product sets, maintaining your Twitter presence, adding to your integrated Instagram feed or adding Cusotmer Product Reviews (so that content is automatically added!) 

3. Continually Assess Your Website Goals

This resolution may seem slightly strange however it is a piece of advise we often give to clients. Every website serves only to reflect your business goals however, few businesses take time to consider what their business goals are and how their website fits in with their company strategy. The most effective websites are those that have considered exactly what they want to achieve from visitors. 

Websites require continual redesign and rework to ensure they are converting visitors by effectively conveying how your business will benefit them. 

Can we help? 

We all know making habits and resolutions alone is almost impossible. If you would like to talk through any thoughts you are having on your website, or would just a like a team to keep you accountable, do not hesitate to get in touch.