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3 Considerations When Choosing An eCommerce Fulfilment Partner

10 February 2016 15:24

When setting up an eCommerce store, it can be exceptionally hard choosing a fulfilment partner. With many considerations and variables, a logistics agreement is not entered lightly or without careful thought. 

Over years of advising e-businesses online, we have compiled our top three considerations, in no particularly order... (conveniently, they all start with a "P"...!) 

1. Price

Price will always be one of your main deciding factors. Fulfilment house's payment models vary slightly, but they tend to use some metric of space, handling time, product weight/size, number of SKU's, and chosen delivery destinations.

Depending on your business and product, certain pricing models will suit you better. For example, if you sell small quantities of bespoke products, models which favour small product weights and base prices on space-required may suit you better. 

Pricing models can be frustratingly complex, and often there are hidden fees, so we would encourage running the maths and ensuring you understand all the costs associated with your chosen fulfilment house. 

2. Partnership 

Alongside pricing, partnership has got to be the most important deciding factor. It is vital that you know your fulfilment house understands your business and, when issues arise (which they will inevitably at some point!) they are resolved promptly and with the least disruption to service. To enable this, you need a good relationship. 

It is not only the partnership with your fulfilment house which is essential, your website partners are equally important (if we say so ourselves!) Your website partners will be the ones working with your fulfilment house to ensure that your orders are processed smoothly.

3. Product Considerations

Our final deal-breaker would be any product considerations that you have. For example, if you are selling food products, natural products, or any produce with particular handling regulations, you must ensure your fulfilment house can accommodate these. 

Can we help?

Above all, we would encourage you to ask questions. Ensure you have every concern vocalised and all your requirements outlined before you enter any agreement.

If you would like to discuss further how to choose a fulfilment house or how to set up your online store, do not hesitate to get in touch.