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How Integrated Cloud Based Accounting Helps Your eCommerce Business

03 March 2016 08:56

We all know that accounting is important and cannot be neglected. Yet more often than not,  accounting is timeconsuming, not-integrated and involves fair amounts of manual effort. Running an eCommerce business is challenging enough without having to worry about your accounting processes!

How can accounting be made simpler for eCommerce businesses?!

Integrated cloud-based accountancy platforms can vastly improve your business processes. Using an eCommerce system (like KhooSeller) along with cloud based accountancy packages such as XeroKashflow or ClearBooks will ensure you have one unified set of accounts and can check the health of your business at a glance.

To get started improving your accounting, it's helpful to understand how accounting works in KhooSeller and how to export your accounts into your chosen accountancy package.

Accounting in KhooSeller

KhooSeller is an eCommerce platform that is more than just an online cart; you have all the settings and controls you need to manage your eCommerce accounts. 

Your eCommerce website will enable all your invoice, aged debt, VAT and sales analysis as well as tracking your per-customer accounts. By reconciling your accounts in KhooSeller you give your business an online audit log of all your orders, invoices, payments and refunds. You can track offline payments (BACS, Cheques) as well as online payments via your ecommerce checkout.

VAT can be controlled and you can set your eCommerce business to run inclusive, exclusive or zero rated as well as over-riding this for particular products.

Integrating your KhooSeller accounts with Cloud Based Accounting software

Cloud based accounting software are packages which host your accounts online and most allow you to feed in your bank automatically so that you can reconcile your accounts as frequently as you wish. 

Current market leaders are Xero, Clearbooks and Kashflow. KhooSeller integrate with all these packages and allow you to export the entirety of your eCommerce accounts information into your chosen software.

This enables you to tie together your eCommerce accounts with minimal manual effort. 

Can we help? 

If you'd like further information about how to benefit from integrating your eCommerce website with your accounting processes, do not hesitate to get in touch.