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Coming Soon: Automated Workflows

13 June 2016 10:47

Have you ever wanted software just to 'think' for you? Ever wished that something would just 'happen' automatically, as if the program you were using 'knew'...

Well, through introducing 'automated workflows', we are excited to see how your website could further become a hub for your business activities. Whether this is through automatically adding your contacts to email campaign mailing lists, sending out abandoned cart messages or ensuring that your access controlled area is opened to registered users, 'automated workflows' are silently powerful ways to let your website software take the strain out of your routine actions.

What are 'automated workflows'?

Automated workflows are conditional actions that you can set your website to do, triggered by other events. Inspired by the 'If This Then That' (IFTTT) technology, the 'Automated Workflows' will allow you to connect tasks within your website, with other actions. All that is needed is to create a chain of events including a trigger (i.e. buying a product on your website) and an action (i.e. send an email after 5 days asking for a product review)

When would you use an 'automated workflows'?

There are many uses for automated workflows and, as we release this capability, we are looking forward to seeing this grow and enable further automation.

Uses for your business website could be...

  • TRIGGER: User signs up to newsletter  = ACTION: Add user to mailing list called 'Newsletter signups'
  • TRIGGER: User requests access to website area  = ACTION: User added to user group 'Membership X' and given access to website area

Uses for your eCommerce website could be...

  • TRIGGER: Customer buys from a particular Brand [Brand X]  = ACTION: Add customer to mailing list called 'Brand X purchases'
  • TRIGGER: Customer abandons cart during checkout = ACTION: Email customer 'Abandoned cart follow up email'
  • TRIGGER: Customer purchases membership to website area  = ACTION: Customer added to user group 'Membership X' and given access to website area

How can I get started with 'automated workflows'?

Automated workflows are due to be released mid-Junee and we look forward to sharing more about how you can get started with these. If you would like more information in the meantime, do not hesitate to get in touch.