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How To Boost Sales with Cart Abandonment Emails

05 July 2016 10:15

We all do it. We shop around and put things in our baskets and then browse some more. However, what is it that stops us from fully checking out online?! Sometimes, a timely nudge towards the checkout can help and remind us to buy now, before it's too late! 

What are abandoned cart reminders? 

Abandoned carts are when a customer places items in their basket but does not complete the checkout process. Their cart is therefore 'abandoned'. 

Abandoned cart reminders are simply when you email customers, reminding them of their unfinished purchase. 

How successful are abandoned cart reminders at increasing sales? 

Abandoned carts are common. Within 2013, according to SaleCycle, over 2/3 of shopping carts were abandoned. Within the same report, they sighted an average of 76.6% of carts were abandoned. 

However, when customers were emailed regarding their abandoned cart, over 40% of these emails were opened with just under 1/3 of click-throughs leading to a recovered purchase. Overall, every cart abandonment email sent delivered over in revenue. 

Abandoned cart emails are therefore a simple, effective means of ensuring you are not missing out on potential revenue. 

How can I set up abandoned cart reminder emails?

Cart abandonment emails are provided by a number of online marketing software firms, usually taking a fee as a % of the recovered purchase. To set this up, you will need to ensure your eCommerce website links to your chosen software and provide some form of integration between the two.

Within KhooSeller, this is not the case as cart abandonment emails are included within your website software, at no additional cost. Simply follow our guide to setting up cart abandonment emails by using both the eCampaign tool and Automated Workflows. 

Can we help? 

If you would like further information about setting up cart abandonment emails, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.