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Our great search tools commended by The Sunday Times

30 March 2020 18:17

Nothing is more exciting for us than to see one of our clients mentioned in the national press. It's obviously great news for them, but equally it is good for us as it means that our software has done its job and made the site easy to navigate.

So well done to our friends at de Jager who The Times rated as the company that was "Best for summer bulbs". Such an endorsement is not only good for sales, but organic ranking because The Times is considered to be a high quality site to have a back link from.

What pleased us was that The Sunday Times liked our software's search tools. The product catalogue of de Jager is large with nearly 1800 bulbs on sale, each of which comes with variants (a choice of pack size). Creating "great search tools" is no mean feat, and indeed many hours have been put in developing a sophisticated Search Tool and a Filter Search that is based on attributes.

For de Jager the Filter Search is extensive. Customers can search by:

  1. Colour - chosen from swatches.
  2. Category - useful if you know what bulb you want.
  3. Positon - from full sun to shade.
  4. Flowering height - important in garden design
  5. What the bulb is perferct for - fragrance, naturalising etc.
  6. Flowering time - there are even bulbs that will flower in December.
  7. Bulb size - some bulbs are nearly 30cm in size and in fact de Jager is famous for top sized bulbs.

With attributes applied to each product the site becomes extremely simple to search. Of course the attributes have to be added as the product is uploaded, but the end result is worth it! If your customers can find what they're looking for quickly then they are more likely to convert the search.

 The search filters also appear at the top as they are clicked on allowing you to amend your search quickly.

 We are very pleased with the feedback from The Times and are glad that the filter search helps products to be found easily online.