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How to effectively re-market within KhooSeller

Sam O'Reilly
24 April 2017 17:06

What is re-marketing?

Re-marketing is a marketing technique that can be used to follow-up your website visitors, even if they haven't taken any actions, like making an order or filling out a form. Remarketing can be done in the form of advertisements or with email campaigns. Re-marketing can help you to reach out and bring back your users to complete their purchase

How can re-marketing help your business?

"More than 300 billion dollars are lost in eCommerce sales every year" - Moz. Re-marketing can help to recover some lost conversions and attract and keep interest in your business.

1. Abandoned Cart Emails

One of the reasons that so much revenue is lost could be because up to 70% of web visitors abandon their carts before they make a purchase. We wrote a blog about reducing your shopping cart abandonment and mentioned how using re-marketing emails can be really helpful for increasing your conversions and sales. Using re-marketing emails can also help your business with sending updates and advertising message emails to mailing lists that have segmented groups of your customers will ensure that the right content is going to the right people. 

2. Re-engagement

Re-engagement is a really helpful technique that can be used to great effect by re-targeting existing customers and people on your mailing lists. This can be done is many ways and is supposed to get them interested in your business and to encourage them to return to your eCommerce website. It's also really useful for update messages to make sure that all of your mailing lists will know about any changes you make. Re-engagement is great because it is less expensive than targeting a new customer and the people that are being re-engaged have already shown interest in the past, making them statistically more likely to make a purchase. 

3. Re-marketing Advertising

Re-marketing advertising lets you show people who have visited your website your ad when they leave without buying anything. It can help you to reconnect with your customers and encourages them back to complete their purchase. There are a few ways to start your own re-marketing ad campaign but the most effective are with Google AdWords. Some of the benefits of running one of these campaigns are; access to people when they're most likely to buy, lists that are tailored to your advertising goals, large-scale reach, efficient pricing, easy ad creation, insights into your campaign and reaching your customers when they're searching for you. Find out more with this blog from Google support.

A downside to re-marketing advertising is that there are plenty of people who run Adblock on their browsers. "Adblocker usage surged at 30% in 2016" - Business Insider.

How do you effectively use software to help your re-marketing?

There are an array of software platforms that will help speed up your re-marketing and give you insights into your customer base. Google and Facebook are the main players who will help with re-targeting your website viewers however, e-campaign software is also a highly effective re-marketing route and we shall look at KhooSeller, alongside other re-marketing software MailChimp and Campaign Monitor. 

Some of the re-engagement tools available are listed below and a comparison of the software they are available within:

Tool Description KhooSeller MailChimp CampaignMonitor
Cart Abandonment  As discussed above, Cart Abandonment targets those who added items to their basket but did not complete the checkout process.
  • Integrated with store already, so no feed required
  • Using a product feed
  • Using a product feed

Re:engagement -

Polls and Surveys & Online Competition

Polls and surveys is a form of re-engagmenet where email subscribers to fill out a few questions with a free gift or promotional code as a reward for completion. 

Online competitions like contests, giveaways or even raffles, can help to generate interest in your email campaigns.


Re:engagement -Coupons and Promo Codes

Sending inactive email subscribers promotional codes and coupons with a message that lets them know that it's been a while since they last visited your website.
Re:engagement -Product Recommendations

Connecting your eCommerce store to lets you collect and store data on your email subscribers buying behaviours, identifying unique product recommendations for your customers encouraging them back with products that they will be interested in.

  • Integrated with store already, so no feed required
  • Using a product feed
  • Using a product

How to re-market within KhooSeller

As you can see, KhooSeller provides comparable features to other e-campaign marketing tools and, as your e-commerce store is integrated with your e-campaign tool, there is no need to update your product feed or customer lists.

Here are some ways to re-market within KhooSeller:

1) Cart Abandonment Emails

As discussed within a blog on cart abandonment, these emails come as part and parcel of an KhooSeller website and can be easily updated.

2) Re-engagement emails

A recent update to the the e-campaign reports makes re-engagement easier than ever. You can effectively re-market to a select group of people, who have taken particular action from a previous e-campaign.

For example, if you send out a mail-shot about an upcoming event, and you'd like to give those that didn't open the email another nudge. You simply run a report from the e-campaign list and place all the 'unopened' email recipients into a new mailing list. You can then re-market to this group, and increase the success rate of your e-campaigns. 

screen grab 21

Better still, you can keep updating your 'unopened' mailing list, as your report from the original email grows, and re-send your second 'reminder email' to this new set of people (only the new email addresses are mailed!) 

3) Re-marketing Advertising

To help you re-market to a specific audience, KhooSeller integrates with Facebook and Google to help you target visitors after they have left your site. For more information about this, do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Re-marketing Case Studies 

These case studies show how businesses have used re-marketing techniques successfully in their marketing.

  • Boot Barn - 2012 remarketing email campaign.

US Based outfitters Boot Barn used email remarketing very successfully. They were tired of losing their potential sales from people abandoning their carts before compleating their purchase. Using an email remarketing campaign, they achieved a 12% lift in recaptured revenue. Boot Barn sent emails to their visitors who left their website and abandoned their carts, encouraging them to complete their order. One email was sent 20 minutes after they left the website (with an open rate of 46.04% and a clickthrough rate of 6.30%), another 23 hours later (with an open rate of 40.35% and a clickthrough rate of 9.79%) and a third email a week later (with an open rate of 27.54% and a clickthrough rate of 10:32%). Before sending the second and third emails, Boot Barn removed the people who clicked through on the email from the mailing list. Overall, this lead them to a 12% lift in recaptured revenue. Boot Barn's remarketing campaign shows the importance of getting the email addresses from your website visitors and how effective using multiple emails can be.

Boot Barn's re-marketing campaign shows the importance of getting the email addresses from your website visitors and how effective using multiple emails can be.

  • Chubbies - 2014 dynamic remarketing ads.

Chubbies is a US based eccentric apparel company that wanted to deliver their ads to their unique target audience and used re-marketing techniques, with AdRoll, to make sure that the right ads were shown to the right customer. They used dynamic ads across the web and Facebook so that they could reach more people and increase their engagement. Customers who showed more intent to buy products on the Chubbies website, like leaving their shopping cart abandoned, were shown dynamic ads that feature the products they have shown interest in. With this re-marketing campaign, Chubbies saw a 35% lift in return on investment.

Chubbies re-marketing campaign shows that customers will be more likely to complete a purchase after seeing your product again and how effective re-marketing dynamic ads can be. 

How can we help?

Here at KhooSeller, we're experts on eCommerce and marketing and have extensive knowledge that can help you to with any re-marketing queries you might have. If you're interested in improving your marketing and potentially boosting your overall conversion rates with re-marketing, please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.
