Integrate your website with the eCommerce tools you need.
A wide range of eCommerce integrations to run your business online
Our aim in KhooSeller is to provide you everything you need to sell online, in one unified platform. Our integrations supplement this through marketing, analytics and social media tools to make sure all your data is working together, for your business.
Online marketing applications
KhooSeller integrates with Adobe Campaign and Campaign Monitor to help your email marketing and give you access to responsive email marketing templates, A/B testing and customer segmentation tools.
Gain valuable insights from analytics
Integrate your KhooSeller website with Matomo webstats and Google Analytics to make sure you've got a holistic view of your website traffic.
Save time with accounting integrations
Accounting can be time-consuming so save hours by syncing your customer, invoice and payment data into your accounts package. KhooSeller integrates with Xero, Sage50, Clearbooks and Kashflow.
Social media integrations
Linking your website with Instagram and Twitter lets you display your feeds on your site, without any updates. The KhooSeller Facebook integration lets you install the Facebook tracking pixel, without touching any code or needing to contact a website developer.
Choice of online payment integrations
KhooSeller integrates with Worldpay, SagePay, UPG-MONEK, Barclaycard EPDQ and PayPal to help you take payments online seamless.
Read more about online payments here